It is YOU

I am so thankful that God is my Teacher.  He is constantly showing me more and more of His perfect truth and for that I am so very thankful!  Please Father, please keep on teaching me!

Each day we live our lives we are waiting for something.

A husband, wife.  A  job.  A baby.  A family.  A good report from the doctor.  An apology.

When we put all of our attention into the item we are waiting for we become obsessed.  Life is a waiting game, but our winning prize is not any of the items listed above or other ones harboring in your heart right now.  When we make these items our prize we can just go ahead and call them idols not items.

We get caught up in these idols don’t we?  We start to believe we need them.  Like something we find when we obtain any of these idols will be the thing to bring us joy, peace, happiness, hope.  This may be the case temporarily but these idols will never bring a lasting anything to your very being.

The something we are really waiting for in life among the midst of all of these idols Lord is You alone.  My soul does not find satisfaction in obtaining anything in life other than Your sweet presence.  

In God’s Word we do not find evidence to support waiting for idols, quite the contrary we find encouragement to wait for God alone.  (Psalm 27:14, Psalm 33:20, Psalm 130:5, Lamentations 3:26)  The Bible over and over again tells us to wait for the Lord.

The Lord says, “I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.  I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord.” Hosea 2:19-20

One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple.  Psalm 27:4

These verses have helped my heart understand what it truly is that I am waiting for, eternity with my Savior.  It is my prayer that as you live your life waiting you find what you may not even know your heart is truly longing for: a right relationship with the Lover of your soul, God himself.  In this relationship is where we have personal and intimate communion with Him.  I can promise you in this relationship is where you will find the prize we were intended to wait for through life: God Himself beckoning us heavenward in Christ Jesus.  As we wait, God too is waiting for us to welcome Him back to the throne of our hearts.  

The inspiration for this post came from my very own, real struggle of waiting for a husband.  I made my desire for a husband an idol in my life.  I would think more about having a husband one day than having a relationship with God today.  I knew what to tell myself when this desire interrupted my life, “God is your Husband Diane, you do not need a man, you have God.”  I would repeat God’s truth over and over again until I seemed content that God was enough for me.  One day, as I was driving along God finally helped my heart feel His truth as He whispered these beautiful words into my heart, (and they are here to stay): I am your Husband Diane, desire Me as I desire you.  I am waiting for you to share your life with Me, to dance with Me, to be My bride.  My Spirit will kiss your heart and you will hold My hand in yours every day you live your life waiting to spend eternity in My Glorious Presence.  Isaiah 54:5

Thank You Jesus!!



Many of you who read my posts know that my “word” for 2014 is DIVE.  I want to dive into all God has for me in 2014.  This past month, God has been really teaching me a lot about diving.  He is teaching me that in order to dive into all He has prepared for me, I must wait. 

For in waiting, we will find the right encounter to dive into, His.  I would never want to dive into something heart and soul just to find out it was the wrong ocean.  Or should I say I would never want to do this…again.  In the past, I have taken one too many steps into the wrong ocean.  I found myself in a pond asking myself is this really how is was supposed to be?  I do not want to find myself in this murky pond again.

God’s ocean is what I desire truly desire, don’t you?  We have to be careful of those worldly traps.  Those ponds that seem to hold potential for us or even our futures as we think.  Those ponds may seem to be the answer we have been looking for all along.  Those ponds may even seem to be what we were made for.  If you are like me and have actually dove, well more like stepped, into one of those murky ponds I happen to know you found the complete opposite of what you thought this pond would hold in the first place.  You found exhaustion, disappointment, depression, fear, confusion, and frustration.  If you haven’t found them yet, I promise you will.  These ponds do not hold our future, only God’s hands do.

Don’t let the freedom in the dive fool you.  It is for FREEDOM that you have been set free (Galations 5:1).  You have not been set free to step right back into the very pond that will soon trap you and leave you experiencing anything BUT freedom.

To find true freedom in Christ, we must dive into His ocean.  His will for our lives is where we will find His perfect peace.  Life will not be perfect, but it will be abundant (John 10:10).  Undeserving I am, but God loves me so much that He has given me His ocean on several occasions. 

Since the last encounter in God’s ocean, I have been desiring His embrace more than anything else.  This desiring time is so dangerous.  I cannot settle for anything less than what He has prepared for me in His ocean, and either can you.  I cannot give up on one prayer.  I cannot waste one minute.  I cannot take one step off His path and into that pond.  I cannot desire the blessings found in His ocean more than Him alone. 

The only place I want to be is in His will for my life.  If we are always looking for “something” we will always end up in that pond one way or the other.   For me, I have given my old life to God.  Every distasteful detail of it all.  My old life has died and now my new life is all hidden in Christ. (Colossians 3:3).  In order for me to find my life, I must find God.  That means seeking Him every moment I am able.  That means looking to Him for all I need and not those messy ponds.  It means desiring Him more than desiring the dive.  The dive can lead to destruction in the pond or freedom in His ocean.  As for me, I want to live each day as His and wait for Him to tell me when to dive into all He has for me. 

Who knows, even though my word for 2014 is dive, I may not do any diving at all.  I may just be waiting.  Whatever it may be I will not be wasting one minute.  I want to use the time He has given me to learn, grow, and be taught and loved by the One who calls me His.